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Everything I've read states that one should avoid overwriting free space because each SSD has a limited number of write cycles. What is Protectstar's position about wiping free space on SSD d

The lifespan of an SSD is finite - this cannot be changed due to flash memory technology. The more data is written into a cell, the faster it wears out - at least in theory.

In the meantime, an SSD cell in inexpensive models lasts around 3,000 to 10,000 write cycles (in premium models, even over 100,000 write cycles), which doesn't sound like much at first. Thanks to the "wear leaving" principle, the SSD controller ensures that the write operations are distributed evenly across all cells to minimize "cell death".

As a result, the larger the SSD, the longer its service life.

Even if you were to continuously write data to the hard drive 24 hours a day, it would take decades in everyday use before it finally failed.

If you securely overwrite the free storage space of an SSD disk with iShredder, you should use an erasure method between 1- and a maximum of 8 cycles.

Well-known organizations use a 3-cycles algorithm here on average.

Suppose you want to securely overwrite your SSD hard drive with iShredder and, e.g., a 3-cycles erasure method. In that case, there is no particular risk in terms of the lifespan of the hard disk, even if you were to carry out the erasure process once a week for several years.

Since, on average, a laptop/computer is replaced after 3-4 years, it is possible to have the SSD hard drive overwritten daily without any problems.

However, we advise against a daily overwrite, as there is generally no need.

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